
My Quotes

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

And I'm back!

Hey guys!
My internet is back on in my house and sorry for the delays in my update.
I'm gonna make this post short and today's post is about....


...this boy right here. Isn't he gorgeous?

He's not from some famous band or a singer or actor or whatever.
I actually know him.
Yes, ladies an gentlemen.
I know this boy and he's the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me because for once in my life, I actually feel beautiful. He's so awesome and he doesn't even know it. Even though we'll never be together but he's the most important person in my life. All I can say is that, I have hopelessly fallen for him.



jcsimpson said...

He looks fugly and I think I saw him committing a crime once.

Minty Radd said...

Now that's just mean, Jared. XD
You're just jealous cause he has my heart ;p