
My Quotes

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Busy busy busy...!

Alright guys, I'm in college now and classes have already started.
I've already moved into my college hostel which is Sun-U residence and I'll be staying there for 8-10months according to my course.
I'll only be coming back on the weekends and I don't have internet connection up in my hostel room. Right now I'm using the library computer but I can't stay long. So, there will be less updates from me because I'll be pretty busy with college assignments, classes and exams.
So please don't bug me for updates.
If I have time I'll make one.
For those who want to know how I am doing or what I'm up to, then just text me alright. You guys have my number and you can find out what I'm up to 24/7 if you wanted to.
Okay, that's all!
See you guys soon~

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