
My Quotes

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Rant rant rant and cursings...

Okay, so I'm gonna rant on some pointless shit that you guys don't probably care about but I don't give a shit cause this is my blog and I can say whatever I want. So shut up and read.


As you all know, I'm currently studying in Sunway College and also staying in a hostel called Sun-U residence. Everything has been going pretty great. I made friends and classes are hard but I'm surviving. But that's not what I want to rant about today. I'm going to freaking tell you guys how many fucking times I got called EMO here. Yea, I got called bloody emo pretty much every single day I'm here. Even on the week of my orientation I got a few people coming up to me and just flat out ask me, "Are you emo?" then I would respond with "No..." and then they would say "Well, you look pretty emo to me..". I simply didn't really give a fuck about that but there was one time that when I passed this group of boys they laughed at me. Naturally I would avoid conflict but I was already frustrated enough that day. So I turned to them and ask what was their problem with me. And they responded with "Do you have a razor blade? Do you cut yourself emo girl, huh?" and laughed. Oh come on! That's a little immature, don't ya think? A little pathetic even.

Okay you ignorant motherfuckers.
Listen to me.
Emo is not a word, alright?
If you guys are smart fuckers you would know that there's no such word. It doesn't even exist in the bloody dictionary, alright? So it's not a word. I know 'emotional' and the bird 'emu'. Even if you wanna use the term 'emo' don't use it to label someone's dress code, you losers. Just because people like dark make-up and likes a certain type of hairstyle and clothes, it doesn't necessarily make one an 'emo'. I think that emo is more suitable for people who are very emotional even then it needs to be categorized and said the right way where it makes sense. Like when your friend is acting suicidal you can say that person is an emo because she is being emotional, okay? But here, I get constantly abused with the word emo on a daily basis because of the way I dress and look.

Emo is not a fashion sense you dimwitted bimbos!
It's just a label that people use to stereotype people into a certain group. For example preps, jocks and nerds. Those are commonly used terms to stereotype people. Instead of making a hasty generalization, why don't you twits understand the word properly first and think about it before saying it which might still make you look like a complete idiot in the end anyway because you're just being stupidly rude. So get this through you're ridiculously thick and empty skulls, okay?

Understand it. Memorize it. Motherfucking eat it, you assholes.

Okay, enough about that.
Here's a recent shot of me in my hostel room.


I know you can't see much of the room but that's pretty much my side of the room. Oh yea and you guys can see my new hair! Well, not really but basically I've taken out my extensions and cut it short with bangs over my eyes sweeping right.
And yes, I have a room mate.
Alright. That's all, ya'll.
Catch ya cool cats latuhzz!!

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